Enhance your beauty with Thermage® non-surgical treatments.
• Flatter, smoother skin on the tummy, legs, knees, buttocks, and arms.
• Tightening, firming, and lifting effects.
• Softened wrinkles above the knees.
• Reduction of crepey skin.
• Temporary improvement in the appearance of cellulite.
Revel in:
• Smoother skin with reduced sagging.
• Redefined contours along the jawline and under the chin.
• Softening of wrinkles and fine lines around the mouth, eyes, and forehead.
• Tightening of saggy skin under the chin.
• Reduced under-eye sagging.
• Brighter-looking eyes with lifted appearance.
• Smoother, tighter skin around the eyes.
• Softening of wrinkles and fine lines.
• Smoother skin on the eyelids.
Click the below questions to reveal answers.
Must be used on regular price, and cannot be used for Botox.
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